Atlantic have unique service that suited our needs perfectly. No sales pressure or high brow 'art speak' I loved my first experience of buying art work. The team worked with us to make sure the pieces we purchased were right for us and and home. We even made some new friends! 

Lancashire, UK

I found Atlantic Contemporary online, Instagram. After email and telephone conversations over the next couple of weeks we acquired seven pieces. The service you guys gave really was first class. The work was in our apartment and on our walls within one week of agreeing. Me and my partner do not like visiting galleries in the city so this very personal service was awesome. We will definitely be staying in touch.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NYC  

Personal, bespoke, friendly and very knowledgable. I didn't know people like you did this!

Ribble Valley, UK

We have a large place in Albany which we moved into in the fall 2017. Atlantic were on hand to put the right pieces in the right places. Great people and totally helpful and supportive. 

Albany, New York State

Super cool work and slick service!

Fort Green, Brooklyn, NYC

The pieces that we chose suited our apartment real well. We over look The Hudson and have a heap of natural reflected light. When Graeme visited (summer 2017) he worked with us to find just the pieces that would benefit from the light. I recommend these guys for their depth of service, thanks. 

Long Island City, Long Island, NYC

I have designed and built my own house just outside Zagreb. Graeme, on consultation, is working with me to curate the entire house with only Atlantic Contemporary artists. I was impressed by the pedigree of the artists in the Atlantic Team and the patience that came across to get the job done right, not quickly.

Zagreb, Croatia